
domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Reglamento Roma I - ¿Debe el Reino Unido participar en su adopción y aplicación?

Ministry of Justice (United Kingdom):
'Rome I - should the UK opt in?' consultation announced (2 April 2008).

Proposals designed to protect the interests of UK businesses operating in Europe have been announced today by the Government.
The Rome I proposal will provide clarity over which law applies if a dispute arises over a contract made between people or businesses from different countries, allowing cross border trade to continue with confidence.
When the European Commission first announced the proposals in 2005, the UK Government took the unusual step of opting out of the proposals, as they would not have been in the interests of UK businesses. However, following intense negotiations, a substantially revised and hugely improved version has now been agreed.
Announcing the publication of the 'Rome I- Should the UK Opt in?' consultation today, Bridget Prentice, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State said: "The Government has always said that we will not opt into EU measures which are not in our national interest. The original proposal was clearly not right for Britain, but the new and much improved regulation will help to ensure that the rules in this very technical area are applied uniformly. This will ensure a level playing-field for British business in Europe."

Más información:
-Procedimiento de consulta y documentación.
-The Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990.
-Propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre la ley aplicable a las obligaciones contractuales (Roma I)(presentada por la Comisión): COM(2005) 650 final (Bruselas, 15-12-2005).
Noticia facilitada por Aurelio López-Tarruella (Universidad de Alicante)

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