
martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

International Seminar on European Legal and Political Studies (Pantheon-Sorbonne University Paris 1)

International Seminar on European Legal and Political Studies / Séminaire International d’études juridiques et politiques européennes
Pantheon-Sorbonne University Paris 1
3-8 July 2017

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Colegio de Altos Estudios Europeos Miguel Servet, París

Intensive high-level international course on legal and socio-political matters which has been particularly thought for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of European integration towards the development of a diplomatic career or who are interested in working for intergovernmental organizations, law firms, departments of international companies, etc.

- 30 hours (3 ECTS) (July 3-7,2017)
- Classes in the English language will be given to a reduced group of students at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University Paris 1.
- Limited places: they will be assigned by pre-registration order. The applicants will receive a payment instructions form.
- A joint certificate from the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the Complutense University of Madrid will be given to students at the end of the course.
- The course is coordinated by: Miguel Servet College of Higher European Studies.
- Fees: Registration fees + lodging expenses at the Cité Universitaire of Paris (http://www.ciup.fr/): 1500 € Registration fees only: 800 €.
- Scholarships: two fee grants will be available for the students with the best records.

Pantheon-Sorbonne University Paris 1
Complutense University of Madrid
Carlos III University of Madrid
Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelone
CEU San Pablo University of Madrid
University of Valencia

From April 25th to May10th 2017
Please, send an e-mail indicating interest to Prof. Ángeles Ciprés Palacín. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. E-mail: CMiguelServet (at) ucm.es (Subject : Preinscription Seminar)

Tel: (+34) 690 01 08 69 y (+34) 91 394 54 96


Monday July 3th
9h00 Welcome
9h30-12h:30 Prof. Toni Marzal : The territorial reach of EU law: the case of private data protection (Paris 1 University)
14h:30-17h:30 Prof. Segolène Barbou des Places : EU and the asylum crisis (Paris 1 University).

Tuesday July 4th
9h30-12h:30 Prof. Didier Georgakakis : Eurocracy, myths and realities (Paris 1 University)
14h:30-17h:30 Prof. Jerónimo González Maillo : Brexit, single european market and free movement of persons (San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid).

Wednesday July 5th
9h30-12h:30 Prof. Joan Solanes Mullor : The European regulatory space and national constitutions (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
14h:30-17h:30 Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno : European Space of Civil Justice: current status and future prespectives (València University)

Thursday July 6th
9h30-12h:30 Prof. Carlos J. Moreiro González : The EU Citizenship at a Crossroads (Carlos III University, Madrid).
14h:30-17h:30 Prof. José Maria Coello de Portugal : Fundamental Rights in the European Union (Complutense de Madrid University)

Friday July 7th
9h30-12h:30 Prof. Etienne Pataut : Current issues on EU labour and social law (Paris 1 University)
14h:30-17h:30 TBC

Saturday July 8th
10h:30 Closure: Round-Table discussion with the participation of the President of the Paris 1 University and the Presidents of Spanish Universities.

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