
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2019

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (8 marzo 2019)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 347, de 8 marzo 2019.

"Valencia answers questions on post-Brexit healthcare", Costa News, 07 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
After regional president Ximo Puig stated last month that British residents in the Valencia region would maintain their right to free healthcare ‘in any Brexit scenario’ via the government’s ‘universal healthcare’ policy, ... Sr Puig had reminded that their goal is to strike a bilateral agreement with the UK government over healthcare but, in the meantime, British residents would continue to receive free treatment.

...the Spanish government delegate in the region. ... said the Valencia Region’s resources were being boosted to help expatriates get their residency documents on time. Expatriates should rely on official resources and not the rumour mill, the Spanish official added. ... “... urge all British nationals living in Valencia to ensure they are correctly registered with the authorities and making the necessary preparations for when Britain leaves the EU, so that they can continue to enjoy living in this beautiful part of Spain,”... The meeting comes after the Spanish government announced no-deal Brexit back-up measures including on residencies and healthcare...

"AUAN celebra el anuncio de la Junta sobre viviendas ilegales", Teleprensa, 07 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
La asociación "Abusos Urbanísticos Andalucía-NO" ... que agrupa a numerosos propietarios de viviendas irregulares, valora de una forma muy positiva el anuncio [de] que la Junta de Andalucía se propone permitir que las viviendas en asentamientos urbanísticos, a la espera de legalización a través de la ejecución de un Plan General, puedan mientras tanto poder disfrutar de luz y agua y escrituración, mediante el régimen de asimilado de fuera de ordenación (AFO). ... siempre cuando se cumplan las garantías legales y se adopta las medidas correctoras precisas para minimizar el impacto ambiental. El cambio normativo propuesto se ha anunciado ... durante la comparecencia ante el Pleno del Parlamento de la consejera de Fomento, Infraestructuras y Ordenación del Territorio...

"Where are the healthiest places for expats to live?", Money International, 06 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
Britain’s favourite expat destination has topped the world rankings as the world’s healthiest country. The Mediterranean sunshine hotspot of Spain toppled the previous winner Italy into second place in a study of 169 nations – rising six places to take the lead. ... The study, by media outlet Bloomberg, gave each country points for life expectancy and deducted points for health risks... Other factors were also considered, like access to clean water and sanitation. ... Spain scored well for longevity... “Primary care is essentially provided by public providers, specialised family doctors and staff nurses, who provide preventive services to children, women and elderly patients, and acute and chronic care,” said a review of Spain by the European Observatory on Health Systems, pointing out that the nation had seen a steady decline in deaths from cancer and heart disease.

"Cyprus lags in health league while Spain soars to the top", Financial Mirror - Opinión (Michael Doherty), 06 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
Cyprus and Spain both qualify as Mediterranean countries... They both enjoy sunny climates and a relaxed lifestyle. Their traditional diet is similar... Spain has been voted the healthiest country in the world, moving up seven places on the influential Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index... The index classifies nations according to variables such as life expectancy, tobacco use and obesity. Environmental factors, such as access to clean water and sanitation, are also taken into account. Bloomberg scores countries for their positive achievements, then subtracts for negatives.

La asociación "Abusos Urbanísticos Andalucía-NO" (AUAN), que agrupa a numerosos propietarios de viviendas irregulares, ha pedido a los partidos "que ya se comprometieron a implementar estas medidas mientras estaban en oposición, que lo hagan ahora que están en el Gobierno andaluz". ... "sin más demora" y ... ha pedido cita a los portavoces de los grupos parlamentarios andaluces y a la nueva consejera de Fomento, Infraestructuras y Ordenación del Territorio de la Junta de Andalucía... Asimismo, piden se plasme urgentemente en la legislación andaluza un texto de proposición de ley con medidas urgentes para permitir acceder al agua, otros servicios, así como escrituración...

...han pedido que se plasme "urgentemente" en la legislación autonómica con medidas para permitir acceder a servicios básicos y la escrituración de sus inmuebles.

"Spain and Britain sign Gibraltar tax deal ahead of Brexit", The Local, 05 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
For Madrid, it is "essential" that Gibraltar's departure from the EU, planned for March 29 with Britain, takes place "in an orderly way and in keeping with Spanish interests in terms of fighting fraud and tax evasion." According to the Spanish foreign ministry, the text stipulates that individuals and other entities in Gibraltar must register their tax residency in Spain if that is where they earn most of their revenue, own most of their assets or if a majority of their owners or managers live there.

"UK and Spain sign first treaty over Gibraltar for 300 years in fight against tax fraud", The Olive Press, 05 | 03 | 2019 - Reportaje (Joshua Parfitt)
...an agreement to fight tax fraud and money laundering in ... Gibraltar. The treaty ... will set out stricter rules for determining the tax residency of individuals and businesses. The deal ... will require individuals who spend more than 183 days of the year in Spain, whose spouse or partner is a Spanish resident, who own a regular home in Spain, or who keep two thirds of their assets of Spanish territory to pay taxes in Spain. ... The Gibraltar tax deal still needs to be approved by Spain’s Cabinet and both countries’ parliaments, and is expected to be tabled before Gibraltar MPs later this month.

El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell, ha firmado ... con el Reino Unido un Tratado Fiscal que regula las relaciones con Gibraltar para evitar que la colonia "sea un foco de competencia fiscal desleal". Se trata del primer acuerdo entre ambos Gobiernos sobre Gibraltar desde el Tratado de Utrecht, que puso punto y final a la guerra de Sucesión española con la cesión del territorio del Peñón a los británicos en 1713. ... las personas físicas que pasen más de la mitad del año en España y las empresas con la mayoría de activos o ingresos en territorio español deberán pagar impuestos en España. ... El tratado fiscal establece un baremo objetivo para determinar quién es residente fiscal en Gibraltar y quién no. ... La norma afecta a aquellos que hoy estén considerados residentes fiscales en Gibraltar. ... El éxito de este esquema dependerá de la tercera pata contenida en el acuerdo: el intercambio de información. ... Por ser un tratado internacional, el ministro lo ha firmado ad referendum, es decir que antes de entrar en vigor precisa del acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros y el apoyo del Parlamento. ... "No se ha firmado antes por que ha costado muchísimo hacerlo", ha explicado el ministro... "No hemos acabo de peinarlo hasta hace unos días", ha añadido.

El Tratado "trata de evitar que Gibraltar sea un foco donde haya una competencia fiscal desleal" con el territorio de alrededor. Además han firmado un acuerdo para reconocer el derecho de voto en elecciones municipales a los españoles residentes en Reino Unido y a los británicos residentes en España.

El tratado fiscal es el quinto acuerdo negociado por España con Reino Unido con el fin de resolver lo que el Gobierno considera aspectos "irritantes" sobre Gibraltar, junto al medio ambiente, el contrabando de tabaco, la cooperación policial y los derechos de los ciudadanos. Estos cuatro son acuerdos políticos, pero la materia fiscal exige ser abordada en un tratado internacional que avalen las Cortes.

“I am pleased to see that the Spanish Government has announced a series of detailed Brexit contingency measures, published extensive advice to business and citizens, and has guaranteed the rights of EU nationals living in Britain,” the ambassador said. ... Stephen Hammond, Britain’s Health Minister, said the measures were a positive step forward in making sure expatriates could continue to use the Spanish medical system. “This should also give reassurance to the millions of British tourists who travel to Spain every year using the EHIC scheme for free or reduced medical costs if they need to see a doctor or nurse,” Hammond said. The Royal Decree states that British citizens with residency will have to get a Foreigner’s Identity Card before December 31 2020.

The report places the UK in 19th place, Ireland on 20th and the US drops to 35th because of drug abuse and suicide. Living to the ripe age of 86. Spain will have the highest average life expectancy in the world by 2040... Decline in heart conditions and cancer. A good public health service is praised... Mediterranean diet ... especially the role of olive oil and nuts in reducing cardiovascular problems.

"Brit expats fear they could DIE abroad with Brexit split", Daily Star, 03 | 03 | 2019 - Reportaje (Tim Hanlon)
While the political jostling continues between Westminster and Brussels, Brits living in Spain are scared stiff about how they will live from day to day after Brexit finally happens. There are officially around 300,000 British citizens in Spain but it has been claimed that this could be three times higher with many not registered. It estimated that there are around 70,000 pensioners and they along with those who have suffered ill-health that are most worried about the chaos. ... Campaign group ‘Bremain in Spain’ feel the worries of expats are being ignored.

"Spain vows to protect 400000 Brit expats under no deal", The Sun, 02 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
Continued residency rights are part of a series of measures announced on Friday to protect Britons' rights in Spain in the event of a no-deal Brexit, including access to healthcare and social security. These measures are conditional on the same terms applying to Spaniards living and working in Britain. ... Spain plans at first to allow British nationals to stay if they hold a simple certificate of residency delivered to them, as to any other EU citizen... If they do not hold such a document, they can still stay on until their situation is resolved. British nationals and their families would then have to apply for a foreigner's identity card by the end of 2020, to establish their permanent right to stay in the country. If they already had permanent residency rights in Spain, the process will be "nearly automatic", the draft decree said. In other cases, temporary residency will be granted.

"Spain to guarantee healthcare for British residents after Brexit", Financial Times, 01 | 03 | 2019 - Noticia
The Spanish government issued a decree on Friday that guarantees continued healthcare access to British residents and tourists after Brexit, as long as certain reciprocal conditions for its own citizens are met. The healthcare provision is part of a contingency package designed to address issues that may arise should the UK leave the EU without a deal at the end of this month. ... said foreign minister Josep Borrell ... that: “We will do everything we can to make this decree unnecessary.” ... “The main purpose [of this decree] is to ensure that no citizen is left unprotected,” Mr Borrell said. “The British living in Spain..."... Under the contingency law ... will have until the end of 2020 to apply for residency as non-EU citizens. Unregistered Britons in Spain will have until the date of Brexit to register; once registered, they can begin the residency application process. ... Previously, Madrid and London had signed a deal to guarantee continued voting rights for Spanish and British citizens living in each other’s countries after Brexit. ... One issue not part of the Brexit contingency decree is the possibility for British residents to attain Spanish citizenship...

The Spanish government has brought in a Royal Decree of contingency plans to outline the rights of Britons resident in Spain in the event of a no-deal Brexit. ... "EuroCitizens welcomes the publication of the Royal Decree today by the Spanish Government, which will clarify the situation of the 314,000 Britons in a no-deal scenario," the organization's chair, Michael Harris told The Local. ... the measures have cross-party support ... so it should be passed into law without problems.

"Spain pledges to protect expat Britons in case of no-deal Brexit", Bloomberg, 01 | 03 | 2019 - Reportaje (Charles Penty)
“The fundamental goal is that no citizen, whether British or Spanish, is left unprotected,” Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said at a press conference in Madrid. He spoke after the Spanish cabinet signed off on the decree protecting the rights enjoyed by Britons living in Spain -- assuming the same terms apply to Spaniards now living in the U.K. ... for Paterson, who receives a Spanish pension as the widow of a Spaniard, there’s only one way to completely safeguard her rights in Spain. “I’m thinking of getting a Spanish passport,” she said. “In fact, I’m more than just thinking about it.”

...el decreto contempla medidas que afectarían a entre 300.000 y 400.000 británicos en materia de residencia, de trabajadores transfronterizos, de acceso a protecciones y función pública, de Seguridad Social, de asistencia sanitaria y de educación. También se prevén normas de cooperación administrativa y judicial... incluirá medidas en materia de servicios financieros, de aduanas, de contratos del sector público, de autorizaciones y licencias, concretamente, de permisos de conducir... El decreto-ley complementará un acuerdo que ya se firmó ... con Reino Unido ... para que españoles residentes en Reino Unido y los británicos que viven en España puedan votar en las elecciones municipales del país donde residen. ... un real-decreto que ... tendrá que ser ratificado por la Diputación Permanente... dado que ... cabe la posibilidad de un Brexit acordado, la vigencia del decreto ley se supeditará a que la salida del Reino Unido de la UE se produzca ... sin acuerdo. ... normas con un límite temporal ... unilaterales, pero sujetas a reciprocidad...

...informe de Instituto de Valoraciones ... tasadora –que ha analizado los principales factores que influyen en el incremento exponencial en la compraventa de viviendas y bienes inmobiliarios por población extranjera... Los británicos siguen siendo los principales compradores... Los alemanes, franceses, belgas, suecos, rumanos e italianos son otras de las nacionalidades que más interesadas están en adquirir propiedades inmobiliarias en España. ... destaca la fuerte subida de los compradores de origen marroquí, irlandés y danés... el precio medio por metro cuadrado es más elevado para los extranjeros no residentes. ... la mayor parte de la demanda inmobiliaria extranjera se sitúa en áreas turísticas, principalmente localizadas en la costa... ciudadanos procedentes de Venezuela han realizado grandes transacciones en el sector inmobiliario, principalmente en Madrid. ... Entre las principales razones de estas inversiones destaca la Golden Visa...

Últimas noticias OEG
Recogido en la sección Documentos del OEG el Real Decreto-ley 5/2019, de 1 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas de contingencia ante la retirada del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea sin acuerdo.

Recogido en la sección Documentos del OEG el Comunicado del Ministerio español de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación sobre el Tratado internacional de carácter fiscal entre España y el Reino Unido (firmado ad referendum el 4 de marzo) a propósito de Gibraltar y ante la retirada del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea.

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del Observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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