
sábado, 2 de julio de 2022

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (1 julio 2022)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 437, de 1 de julio de 2022.

"The lawyers calling for a better visa for British homeowners in Spain", The Local, 27 | 06 | 2022 - Entrevista (María Luisa Castro, the lawyer who’s been leading the campaign)
A group of lawyers is campaigning for a new visa which would allow non-resident British second-homeowners in Spain to freely enjoy their properties post-Brexit without having to show the high level of savings currently required.

"Spain introduces new UK passport rule - Alicante, Tenerife and Malaga airports affected", Daily Express, 28 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Spain’s Interior Ministry has ... eased passport control rules to avoid the long queues. British tourists will now be permitted to use the e-gates at some of the busiest airports.

"Canarias lidera el aumento de compras de vivienda por parte de extranjeros residentes", RTVE, 21 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Tras las restricciones de la COVID-19, muchos se han lanzado a invertir en el ladrilllo como valor refugio. Son principalmente alemanes e ingleses, pero últimamente han tomado fuerza otras nacionalidades

"Los jubilados extranjeros crecen en una década en Castellón y prefieren la costa", El Periódico Mediterráneo, 20 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Los mayores de 65 años de otros países pero con residencia habitual en Castellón aumentan un 52%. Castelló, Peñiscola y Vinaròs lideran el ránking de municipios del litoral; y Sant Jordi y Càlig, de interior

"La compra de viviendas en España por parte de extranjeros se dispara un 28%", La Vanguardia (EFE), 20 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
La compraventa de viviendas por parte de extranjeros en España se disparó en 2021, con una subida del 28,3 %, hasta llegar a las 60.973 operaciones, confirmando la recuperación del sector, que se sitúa en valores previos a la pandemia y dibuja una tendencia ascendente.

"Los extranjeros ya compran más viviendas en España que antes de la pandemia", Cinco Días (EFE), 19 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Los extranjeros compran ya más viviendas en España que antes de la pandemia y, aunque todavía no llegan a representar el 16,9% del total de las compraventas registradas en 2019, sí han superado el peso porcentual que tenían ese año en Baleares, Canarias, Aragón y Asturias. Según un estudio de la tasadora Euroval... Junto a la Comunidad Valencia, Andalucía y Cataluña son las otras dos comunidades que presentan un porcentaje más alto de compras por extranjeros sobre el total nacional y entre las tres concentran el 63%... Por provincias, solo en Alicante los extranjeros compran una de cada cinco viviendas que adquieren en España... En segunda posición se sitúa Málaga ... seguida de Barcelona ... Madrid ... Baleares ... Valencia ... y Murcia...

"Give expats full voting rights in Spain", The Olive Press, 17 | 06 | 2022 - Opinión
...democratic rights exist on a local level and expat residents can vote for their local council and even run for a seat on it. Brits too have retained the right to do so even after Brexit thanks to a bilateral agreement between the UK and Spain that has not been afforded to those living in France, Italy, Austria and Germany. And while campaigners have fought ... successfully to maintain the right to vote in UK elections for life ... it was too late to affect the Brexit vote. However ... it’s more important to have a say in the governance of where we now live than the country we decided to leave behind.

"EU ruling does not affect UK expats right to vote in Spain", Sur in English, 17 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Expats in Spain can still go to the polls and stand in local election, despite the effects of Brexit

"What are the rules for expat Brits regarding voting in elections in Spain?", The Olive Press, 14 | 06 | 2022 - Reportaje (Fiona Govan)
A new ruling by the European Court of Justice issued has stirred up emotions among British residents in Europe as it states that an “automatic consequence” of Brexit is a removal of the right to vote or run in municipal elections. However, Brits living in Spain, may remember a bilateral deal was struck between Spain and the United Kingdom over voting rights back in 2019 and therefore wonder whether this ruling also applies to Brits resident in Spain. The Olive Press sought clarification on the matter and here’s what we found out:

"British Embassy clarifies rules for expats voting in local elections in Spain", Murcia Today, 14 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
I am a UK citizen living in Spain. Can I vote in Spanish elections?

"Scare for expat political leaders", The Leader, 12 | 06 | 2022 - Reportaje (Mark Nolan)
A potential shockwave ripped through the expat political community across Europe this week, when the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that British nationals living in EU countries are no longer allowed to vote or stand in municipal elections as an “automatic consequence” of Brexit. ... in the midst of the potential panic, there was some good news for expats living in Spain, as they are not affected by the ruling of the ECJ. ... UK nationals can vote and stand in local elections in Spain once they have been resident for 3 years. ... UK Nationals living overseas and who have been previously registered or resident in the UK will now be able to vote in the UK Parliamentary Elections, thus doing away with the 15-year rule...

"British expats in Spain fuming over illegal homes battle: ‘Can’t get any answers’", Daily Express, 13 | 06 | 2022 - Reportaje (Charlie Smith)
Some 200 expats in Spain – many of whom are British – are engaged in a major battle to protect their homes in Murcia’s Gea y Truyols area. The group bought their properties in good faith, believing that they had been built in accordance with Spanish law. However, unbeknown to the expats, the developer had not applied for planning permission, meaning the homes are illegal. This has left the homeowners, who are mostly pensioners, without access to proper electricity or a supply of drinkable tap water.

"Expatriados británicos en España furiosos por la batalla de viviendas ilegales: ‘No puedo obtener ninguna respuesta’", TopProfes, 11 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
Unos 200 expatriados en España, muchos de los cuales son británicos, están involucrados en una gran batalla para proteger sus hogares en el área de Gea y Truyols de Murcia. El grupo compró sus propiedades de buena fe, creyendo que habían sido construidas de acuerdo con la ley española. ... sin que los expatriados lo supieran, el desarrollador no había solicitado el permiso de planificación, lo que significa que las casas son ilegales. ... en su mayoría son jubilados, sin acceso a electricidad adecuada ni suministro de agua potable.

"Pensioners warned hundreds of thousands may face costs for NHS treatment - ‘150 percent’", Daily Express, 11 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
...now Britons moving abroad are considered expats, there are changes they should bear in mind. The NHS is described as a residency-based system. It means non-UK residents, including UK nationals who move abroad on a permanent basis will lose their entitlement to free NHS healthcare. ... People visiting England for less than six months are therefore encouraged to ensure they are covered for healthcare. This can be done through personal medical insurance during someone’s visit. ... these regulations only apply in England.

"'We are nearly there,' says ambassador, but still with no date for driving licence deal", Sur in English, 10 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
British Ambassador to Spain Hugh Elliott has sent out a new message this week reminding residents still waiting to swap their UK driving licences for Spanish ones that negotiations with the Spanish government continue to "progress well". ... Meanwhile he advised anyone experiencing difficulties as they live in isolated areas to reach out to their local town halls, charities or community groups who might be able to help with transport.

"La justicia de la UE sentencia que los residentes británicos han perdido la ciudadanía europea con el Brexit", El País,
Entre los derechos que han perdido están la capacidad de votar en las elecciones locales del municipio y la posibilidad de convertirse en concejales y alcaldes, como concretan los jueces comunitarios. ... El fallo, en cambio, no afecta a todos los británicos que residen en países de la Unión Europea ya que hay países en que se han firmado convenios bilaterales en los que se reconocen estos derechos recíprocamente. Uno de ellos es España...

"El TJUE dice que británicos en la UE perdieron con el Brexit el derecho a votar o ser candidatos en municipales", Europa Press, 09 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) ha aclarado este jueves que los británicos residentes en un Estado miembro perdieron con el Brexit el derecho a votar o concurrir como candidato en elecciones municipales en su país de residencia porque con la salida de Reino Unido del club comunitario sus nacionales perdieron también la ciudadanía europea.

"Los británicos residentes en la UE no tienen derecho al voto, según el TJUE", EFE, 09 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europa (TJUE) dictaminó hoy que los nacionales británicos que residen en Estados miembros de la UE ya no disponen del derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales debido a la salida del Reino Unido del club comunitario. El dictamen responde a una cuestión prejudicial formulada por un tribunal francés ante el que presentó una demanda una ciudadana británica casada con un nacional francés y residente en Thoux (Francia) desde 1984 y que fue borrada del censo electoral de la localidad.

"British consultant accused of defrauding UK expats in Costa Blanca and Murcia areas over Spanish residency cards", The Olive Press, 07 | 06 | 2022 - Noticia
The deception went beyond TIE cards. It included the exchange of UK driving licences for a Spanish counterpart and private medical insurance applications, which in some cases involved significant sums of money, with clients getting nothing in return.

"No deal reached yet for UK driving licence holders to swap to a Spanish permit", Sur in English, 27 | 05 | 2022 - Noticia
Since 30 April, when a grace period for using UK licences after Brexit ended, expats who were unable to swap to a Spanish licence before Brexit, or who came later and have been living in Spain for more than six months, have had to stop driving. The alternative is to pay and prepare for theory and practical driving tests...

"Spain’s most popular destination for British expats named - 'Wonderful and underestimated'", Daily Express, 13 | 05 | 2022 - Reportaje (Esther Marshall)
While some British expats are attracted to Spain’s buzzing cities such as Madrid and Barcelona, many are looking for a more relaxed lifestyle. New research by property experts, idealista, has found the most searched for small town. The team analysed searches of its website during the final months of 2021 to find the most searched for small towns in Spain. The UK’s most popular small town search was the stunning spot of Formentera del Segura in Alicante province. (...) the pretty town of Viñuela in Malaga was the second most searched for destination by Britons. (...) Although the Alicante town was more popular with Dutch and German searchers, Ciudad Quesada was also highly rated by Britons.

"Spain, Ireland, France and more: Can Brits still move to Europe post-Brexit?", Daily Express, 21 | 04 | 2022 - Reportaje (Aimee Robinson)
The days of living and travelling freely through the European Union (EU) are gone for Britons since Brexit rules come into force in early 2021. However, just because freedom of movement has gone, does not mean that expat dreams of moving to the bloc are diminished. ... Visiting Britons are allowed to stay in one or more EU member states for up to 90-days of any 180-day period. If you want to stay for longer than this or move there, you will require a visa. To secure a visa, you will need to meet the specific requirements set out by your chosen country. ... Britons already living in the EU before Brexit should have had their status as legal residents protected under the Withdrawal Agreement. ... Here are some of the key requirements, in brief, for the most popular EU countries for Britons to move to.

"Málaga está de moda: la provincia gana más de 20.600 habitantes el último año, sobre todo extranjeros", El Español, 21 | 04 | 2022 - Noticia
Reino Unido es el principal país de procedencia de los vecinos foráneos, con 55.778, seguido de Marruecos, con casi 34.000, e Italia, con 15.889.

"British community explodes in Spain", Majorca Daily Bulletin, 18 | 04 | 2022 - Noticia
The number of foreign residents in Spain has broken the six million mark (6,007,553) for the first time after increasing by 3.6% last year, according to official data. ... The number of Britons with a residence permit or new TIE card rose from 65,891 in 2020 to 181,585 in 2021. ... the new ... Britons or family members documented under the Brexit model ... have experienced a growth of 176%.

Últimas noticias OEG

Publicado el ComentOEG nº 60 ("Nacionalidad española por “circunstancias excepcionales” para los gerontorretornados (re)nacionalizados saharauis. Proposición de Ley sobre concesión de nacionalidad española a los saharauis nacidos bajo la soberanía española"), de Lucía Serrano Sánchez.

Publicado el ComentOEG nº 61 ("El derecho de sufragio en las elecciones municipales de los nacionales de Reino Unido en su Estado comunitario de residencia tras el Brexit"), de Elena Calero Gozálvez.


Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.


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