
sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2022

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (2 septiembre 2022)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 439, de 2 de septiembre de 2022.


"Mayor of Malaga to be awarded an honorary OBE for his support of the British community and relations with UK", SUR in English, 31 | 08 | 2022 - Noticia
Malaga city hall has announced that the mayor, Francisco de la Torre, is to be awarded an honorary OBE for services to bilateral relations with the British community and between Malaga city and the United Kingdom. The award is to be presented by the British Ambassador to Spain... According to the statement, De la Torre's honorary OBE is for his support ... for the British community in cultural, economic and social terms.

"British expats: The friendliest country in Europe is one of the continent's cheapest", Daily Express, 30 | 08 | 2022 - Reportaje (Esther Marshall)
The InterNations Expat Insider survey asked expats to rank their home based on a few key factors. When it came to local friendliness, one European destination topped the rankings. The friendliest country in Europe according to expats living there is Portugal where over 80 percent of people said local residents were kind. ... Nearly half of the expats surveyed said they intended to stay in Portugal compared to just 35 percent of expats worldwide. ... Portugal only slipped down the rankings when it came to bureaucracy with more than half finding it hard to deal with. ... Many retired British expats choose to live in southern Portugal, close to the beaches of the Algarve. ... Spain was the third friendliest country in Europe and is one of the top destinations for British expats.

"Paperwork", Majorca Daily Bulletin, 27 | 08 | 2022 - Opinión, (Jason Moore, Managing Editor)
There is a distinct possibility that hundreds if not thousands of British expats living in Spain could have to retake their driving test because they failed to changeover their licence.

"Los motivos por los que jubilados de todo el mundo quieren venir a vivir a España", 65YMÁS, 14 | 08 | 2022 -
Reportaje (Beatriz Torija)
Que no son pocos los alemanes y británicos, entre otras nacionalidades, que fijan España como país de residencia una vez que se han jubilado, no es nuevo. Llevamos años viéndolo. Que la península ibérica sea el mejor destino del mundo para jubilarse es la principal novedad del Expatra Global Retirement Index 2022, que analiza los mejores lugares del mundo para jubilarse atendiendo a diversos criterios como el clima, el coste de la vida, el sistema de salud, la seguridad, burocracia, fiscalidad y otras facilidades. España, en segundo lugar y Portugal, que lidera el ranking, son los dos mejores países del mundo para fijar la residencia una vez jubilados. ... “España es cálida y soleada, ofrece mucho que hacer y alberga paisajes increíblemente diversos” señala el ranking. “En términos de atractivo cultural, supera a todos los demás países”, asegura, al tiempo que advierte que “esto tiene un precio”. Para que un jubilado extranjero pueda fijar su residencia en España debe demostrar unos ingresos de, al menos, 26.000 euros anuales y, además, no cuenta con exenciones especiales para jubilados. Por ese motivo, España se queda en segundo lugar. Otros de los factores que el ranking valora de España es la larga esperanza de vida del país, una atención médica excelente y económica, así como los niveles de seguridad.

"How does Spain know if I’m a tax resident?", The Local, 12 | 08 | 2022 - Reportaje
Taxation in Spain can be quite a tricky subject and many people are often confused as to whether they are liable to pay tax here or not. How does Spain actually know if you’re a tax resident and how can you prove one way or another?

"The Best and Worst Countries for Expats", TheStreet, 12 | 08 | 2022 - Reportaje (Samanda Dorger)
The United States is home to the highest number of immigrants in the world... Career prospects in the U.S. could be the reason: a survey of expats around the world by Internations, a global networking and information site for people who live and work abroad, found the U.S. ranks No. 1 in this category. But for quality of life for immigrants, the U.S. ranks 36th of 52 countries, and in the bottom three for health and wellbeing. ... The ranking is the result of Internations’ survey of 11,970 respondents representing 177 nationalities and living in 181 countries. Expats were asked to rate 56 different factors in the areas of: Personal finance, Quality of life... Ease of settling in... Expat essentials addresses other issues that expats face when arriving in a new country, such as internet access, housing, language barriers and administration. ... Spain, Taiwan and Austria top the list for quality of life. ... About 18% were age 61 and older, the largest age group. ... made the move for lifestyle reasons: 7% for a better quality of life, and 3% to retire abroad. ... Spain tops the list for quality of life. Expats love the variety of culinary and dining options, the opportunities for recreational sports, and the culture and nightlife in Spain. The affordability of its healthcare system is a highlight, and the cost of living is very reasonable.

"Six key issues for expats returning to the UK", Financial Times, 12 | 08 | 2022 - Reportaje (Mary McDougall)
With tax, pensions and logistics costs, the process can be hugely expensive — even before reaching the high-inflation UK.

"Voting rights for foreigners in France back on political agenda", The Local, 10 | 08 | 2022 - Reportaje
Sacha Houlié, MP for the Vienne and a member of Macron’s LREM party, filed a bill on Monday that would, if passed, allow non-EU citizens living in France to vote and stand for office in local elections. ... Since Brexit, Britons in France have not been allowed to vote in local or local office, any many Brits who were on their local councils had to resign because they were no longer EU citizens. ... Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and the far-right Rassemblement National wasted little time criticising Houlié’s bill.

"British Embassy explains UK voter rights for local elections in Spain", Euro Weekly News, 10 | 08 | 2022 - Noticia (Joshua Manning)
The British Embassy has issued an explainer on UK voter rights for local elections in Spain following a recent European Court of Justice ruling, as reported on Wednesday, August 10.

"Estos son los 10 mejores destinos para ir a vivir en 2022 tras la jubilación" , 65YMÁS, 29 | 07 | 2022 - Reportaje (Beatriz Torija)
La revista International Living, elabora cada año ... el Índice Global de retiro anual. A partir de experiencias reales de expatriados en todo el mundo, y teniendo en cuenta múltiples factores, como la fiscalidad, facilidades de visa y residencia, precio del mercado inmobiliario y coste general de la vida, clima, nivel de desarrollo, sistema sanitario, estilo de vida saludable, seguridad, oferta de ocio y cultura o beneficios y descuentos para jubilados. Ya conocemos, los diez mejores destinos, este 2022, para hacer las maletas una vez jubilados. ... España escala una posición en el ranking de International Living... “La sanidad española está entre la mejores del mundo”, dice la publicación, que también destaca infraestructuras de primer nivel, alto grado de seguridad, coste de la vida sorprendente bajo (comparándolo con los estándares estadounidenses) y uno de los transportes públicos más eficientes y económicos. ... Da la impresión de que España no está en una posición mejor porque no cuenta con facilidades específicas de visa y fiscales para atraer a este tipo de nuevos inmigrantes: los jubilados.

"The healthiest country in the world is a ‘beautiful place’ - full list of healthy hotspots", Daily Express, 28 | 07 | 2022 - Noticia (Esther Marshall)
Europe’s healthiest country was Austria but France, Belgium and Spain also scored well when it came to health. The UK was ranked as the 39th healthiest country while Ireland was rated the least healthy country in the world.

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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