
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2022

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (23 diciembre 2022)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 450, de 23 de diciembre de 2022.


"Thousands of pensioners flock to care work to save system from 'bleak' labour shortages", Express, 21 | 12 | 2022 - Reportaje (Luke Whelan)
An army of pensioners have started second careers in social care jobs to "reduce the burden" on NHS services. One of the UK's largest private provider of care in the home has seen a huge spike in Britons in their 60s and 70s joining their ranks... A comittee in the House of Lords suggested that a wave of early retirement is the "biggest cause of labour shortages" across the UK.

"British expats in Spain face pension misery and bankruptcy despite paying tax for 35 years", Express, 20 | 12 | 2022 - Reportaje (Alessandra Scotto Di Santolo)
Jerry Wayne, not his real name, has been living in Spain since 1986 and worked for 35 years... The 70-year-old now faces bankruptcy and homelessness as the Spanish state is refusing to pay out his pension... The Marbella-based pensioner was refused his pension as he allegedly owed a few thousand euros to the state for backdated self-employed work. ... The pensioner worked as a hotel manager and a leading consultant for the La Sala group before running his own restaurants.

"British expats struggle to claim pensions through Spain’s social security office", The Olive Press, 19 | 12 | 2022 - Reportaje (Anthony Piovesan)
A British expat is pleading for help after waiting nearly six years to get his Spanish pension. The Marbella-based 70-year-old faces bankruptcy and potential homelessness in the new year if the authorities don’t step in and help. It comes after Jerry Wayne was turned down by Spain’s Social Security department despite paying tax for 35 years here. ... he told ... “I’ve only got enough money to see me through to February...” The former hotel and restaurant manager ... allegedly owed a few thousand euros in unpaid autonomo (self employed) payments, his claim was denied. ... While reaching out to the authorities we have found other expat pensioners in a similar position and plan to launch a campaign in the new year. The British consulate explained this week that expats struggling to claim their Spanish pension needed to ‘deal directly’ with the social security office. ... organisation Brexats of Spain pledged to help as best it could. ... Spain’s Ministry of Social Security ... referred them back to their respective social security office.

"La demanda extranjera de vivienda crece ya más que la española y se sitúa en niveles récord", The Objective, 15 | 12 | 2022 - Reportaje (Rocío Regidor)
A falta de conocer los últimos datos del año, el peso del comprador extranjero mantuvo su crecimiento en el mercado inmobiliario, representando el 15,92% de las compraventas totales del tercer trimestre de 2022, según destaca el Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad en su último informe... Estas cifras suponen el nivel más alto de la serie histórica en los últimos 10 años. ... el crecimiento de la demanda extranjera fue más rápido que el de la local. ... especialmente en los segmentos de lujo... el informe del Colegio ... señala a la población británica como el grupo de no nacionales que compraron más viviendas en España durante el tercer trimestre del año... Este mercado tradicional sigue siendo fuerte a pesar del Brexit. ... otras nacionalidades que siguen encabezando las compraventas son la alemana ... la francesa ... y la rumana... Las zonas costeras ... siguen siendo ... el destino favorito ... sea para pasar las vacaciones o para jubilarse... Las Islas ... se sitúan en lo más alto ... siguen la Comunidad Valenciana ... la Región de Murcia ... y Andalucía...

"UK and EU voting rights in Spain", Euro Weekly News, 14 | 12 | 2022 - Noticia (Peter McLaren-Kennedy)
UK citizens retained the right to vote in Spanish municipal elections thanks to an agreement signed by London and Madrid in January 2019. Under the deal they may also run as candidates. To vote, Britons must... EU citizens may also vote in Spain’s municipal elections and European elections. There is no length of residency requirement but EU citizens in Spain must... Like Britons, Norwegians must prove they have lived in Spain for three years. ... The next municipal elections in Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands are due to be held in May 2023. There are approximately 190,000 British citizens and just under 150,000 EU citizens resident in these areas, enough to swing the result of elections in some municipalities particularly around Malaga and Alicante.

"Britons told to register to vote in local elections despite deal with Spain", The Local, 08 | 12 | 2022 - Reportaje
Spain and Britain have a mutual recognition agreement on voting in local elections. But many Britons in Spain might not realise that they also need to register in order to be able to vote. With elections coming up in 2023, here’s what you need to know.

Últimas noticias OEG
Publicado el artículo de R. Durán “Migración internacional de retiro y urnas: Elecciones municipales españolas de 2019” en la Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas.


Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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