
sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2022

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (2 diciembre 2022)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 448, de 2 de diciembre de 2022.


"France, Italy and Spain: Everything expats need to know about post-Brexit residence permits", EuroNews, 30 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje (Rebecca Ann Hughes)
Following the UK’s exit from the EU, British nationals living abroad need to ensure they have the right paperwork to prove their residency. Last week, it emerged that a UK citizen living in Denmark hadn’t registered his post-Brexit residency by the required date. He now faces deportation. Although many Brits living in the EU have found the information regarding their legal status confusing, you still need to comply. Here’s what you need to know about residence permits post-Brexit in different EU countries and what you risk if you haven’t applied for yours.

"Expats told by Mallorca politicians: we want your vote", Majorca Daily Bulletin, 30 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia (Jason Moore)
The local elections in Mallorca are almost six months away but already local political parties are looking to British and other European expats to break the deadlock in many key island councils. ... In key councils such as Andratx and Calvia and to a lesser extent Alucudia and Pollensa the so-called foreign vote could help change the balance of power. However, in previous elections voter turnout amongst expats has been poor.

"Make sure your voice is heard by registering and voting in local elections", Euro Weekly News, 30 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia (Peter McLaren-Kennedey)
If as a foreign community resident in Spain, you want your voice to be heard then now is the time to register for local elections.

"Spain’s Valencia named best city in the world for foreign residents", The Local, 30 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje
Valencia has been voted the world's best city to live in if you're a foreign resident, ranking top for its quality of life, leisure opportunities and ease of settling in, a new survey by Internations has found.

"'Good quality of life!' Best British expat destination is very affordable", Express, 29 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje (Esther Marshall)
The Internations Expat Insider City Ranking asked expats around the world to rank their home based on several important factors. ... Valencia was named the best city in the world for British expats and the sunny Spanish spot has plenty to offer Brits. (...) The most popular reasons to move to Valencia were for a better quality of life or to retire abroad.

"Can British people in Spain claim the UK’s winter fuel payment?", The Local, 28 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje
In the UK, there are various benefits available to help eligible people through the cold winter months – one of which is the winter fuel payment. But can Britons living in Spain claim this benefit to cover the cost of heating their Spanish homes?

"The world’s healthiest country is a popular expat destination", Express, 27 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje (Esther Marshall)
Many British expats choose to move abroad for a better lifestyle which can have a sizeable impact on their health. The world’s healthiest country is already a top British expat destination. ... Spain was named as the country with the world’s healthiest diet in research from the World Population Review.

"Así pesca Portugal 'exiliados fiscales' en España con su IRPF al 20% durante 10 años y sin ‘impuesto a los ricos’", El Español, 26 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia (Ángel Recio)
Organizan un primer seminario en Marbella para explicar a los residentes extranjeros cuáles son las ventajas fiscales en Portugal.

"How to vote in the local elections", Costa News, 24 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia
Some town halls have been holding meetings to explain to UK residents how to go about registering if they want to vote or stand in the local elections to be held in May 2023.

Últimas noticias OEG
Publicada la obra colectiva del OEG Inmigración y retiro en tiempos de Brexit: Vulnerabilidades y nuevas realidades de la gerontoinmigración (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2022).

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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