viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (17 enero 2020)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 374, de 17 de enero de 2020.

"Brits living in Europe warned of post-Brexit 'consequences'", The Local, 14 | 01 | 2020 - Noticia
'Concrete consequences' will follow for EU and UK citizens as Britain does away with freedom of movement, the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has warned. ... European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen told ... that the withdrawal agreement provided "certainty" for the one million British citizens currently living in EU countries and the 3.5 million EU citizens living in the UK. But no such freedom of movement will exist after the end of the transition period for other Britons or EU citizens, she stressed. "After the transition period, the UK will be a third country and Brexit will mean changes to those who want to make their future life on either side of the Channel," she said. In the upcoming negotiations, she said, "we will make the citizens' rights our main priority".

"Give Britons free movement across EU, urge MEPs", The Conexion, 14 | 01 | 2020 - Noticia
The European Parliament has "urged" that continuing future free movement across the whole EU should be guaranteed for those British people living in the EU before the end of the transition period - as well as a lifelong ‘right of return’ for EU citizens living in the UK. ... new EU Commission president ... said that ... “...the UK will be a third country after Brexit and then we will have to negotiate. We are very open to do the most because I’m a true believer that as much exchange as possible we should allow to our citizens. But for example if free movement of people is excluded, well there is a trade-off to that. The EU is very open on this and we are strong believers that we both benefitted very much from the free movement, not only of people but goods, services and capital, but those four principles go together. The next weeks and months will show at what point we will end".

Brexit has caused many Brits in Spain to seriously think about applying for Spanish nationality in order to secure citizenship as a European and guarantee their rights to live in the European Union. ... Researchers studying the impact of Brexit ion Britons living in the EU have told 'The Local' that the number of Brits applying for Spanish nationality is well below the number of those applying for French nationality. They believe one of the main blocking points is the fact Spain does not allow for dual nationality with the UK. ... Legally speaking, Britons applying for Spanish nationality therefore need to renounce their UK nationality. But what does this mean? Are applicants forced to hand over their British passport when they accept Spanish citizenship?

"British ambassador tells Brits in Spain: 'Make sure you are registered!'", The Local, 14 | 01 | 2020 - Opinión (Hugh Elliott, British Ambassador to Madrid)
...I wanted to explain some of the jargon around the parliamentary process and, crucially, what all of this means for British nationals living in Spain.

"Cs pide colaboración a los ayuntamientos con las viviendas irregulares", Andalucía Información, 13 | 01 | 2020 - Noticia
...el diputado autonómico de Ciudadanos ... por Cádiz ... durante el encuentro mantenido con diferentes asociaciones y plataformas relacionadas con la situación de las viviendas irregulares en la provincia ... ha subrayado que "este decreto no invade ninguna competencia del Estado porque no entra en las viviendas afectadas por la Ley de Costas”. ... ha afirmado que el Decreto-ley es una "solución transitoria mientras se aprueba la nueva Ley del Suelo de Andalucía"... El parlamentario ... ha explicado ... que ahora son los Ayuntamientos “quienes deben cumplir con su labor inspectora y sancionadora", y "facilitar los trámites a los propietarios para el reconocimiento y las declaraciones de estas viviendas como asimilado a fuera de ordenación (AFO)”. La nueva regulación permitirá a los propietarios de estas edificaciones acceder al registro de la propiedad, los servicios básicos de abastecimiento y depuración de agua y suministro eléctrico, así como a un régimen de obras acorde a su situación.

En España viven 249.015 británicos, y en su mayoría superan los 45 años de edad. ... España es el único país de la UE que tiene más ingleses viviendo en España que españoles en Reino Unido. Ergo, el impacto del brexit en España será más fuerte que en cualquier otra nación europea.

O Partido Socialista vai avançar com uma proposta de alteração no texto do Orçamento do Estado de 2020 para que os pensionistas que no futuro beneficiem do regime de residentes não habituais passem a pagar uma taxa de imposto mínima... A proposta ... terá em vista manter as isenções para os atuais beneficiários que, devido a acordos para evitar dupla tributação entre Portugal e os respetivos países de origem, acabam por não pagar qualquer imposto sobre os rendimentos de pensões ao abrigo do regime de residentes não habituais. Se o regime tem servido para atrair ... muitos reformados europeus, tem também suscitado várias críticas. Suécia e Finlândia reviram inclusivamente acordos fiscais com Portugal de forma a não perderem a receita fiscal dos seus pensionistas devido ao esquema português. ... O regime ... criado com o objetivo de atrair pessoal qualificado ... tem tido afinal entre os seus beneficiários uma maioria de pensionistas.

The British were the largest European population in Malaga province, but the figure is lower than the 57,536 registered in 2014

La ciudad experimenta una subida de 1.163 nuevos residentes, la más alta desde 2013 - Más de 800 británicos se empadronan en 2019...

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del Observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum

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