viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (20 marzo 2020)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 382, de 20 de marzo de 2020.

"Michael Hughes of 3B48 Soul Bar in Spain’s Benidorm busted for fraud whilst working The Costa Blanca", Euro Weekly News, 18 | 03 | 2020 - Noticia
A Showbiz compere Michael Hughes was confined to a wheelchair when he started to claim state benefits in the UK although he managed a remarkable recovery when he went to live in Spain’ Benidorm, a court in Blackpool heard.

"Panic to escape Spain's lockdown amid mass closures across Europe", The Telegraph, 15 | 03 | 2020 - Reportaje (James Badcock e Imogen Braddick)
The new restrictions and spiralling death toll raised questions for British expats in Spain who may not be able to access care in an overwhelmed hospital system.

"El desamparo de los británicos que viven en Andalucía", ABC (Andalucía), 15 | 03 | 2020 - Reportaje (R. Pérez / J. J. Madueño)
Abandonados y olvidados. Así se sienten muchos de los 76.870 británicos que viven en Andalucía... Mantener sus derechos y seguir residiendo en territorio español igual que lo han hecho hasta ahora son sus prioridades, principalmente en lo referente a sanidad, vivienda o acceso a otro tipo de servicios. ... Los «brexpats» se quejan de que la información cambia de forma constante... intentan sobrevivir con una pensión, con enfermedades crónicas y algunos viven solos tras la separación o muerte de su pareja y temerososo ante la pandemia. «Estamos sintiendo ya el impacto financiero; nuestros ahorros se están agotando y muchos de nosotros nunca nos convertimos oficialmente en residentes. Algunos desean regresar a Reino Unido, pero es imposible tanto a nivel financiero como logístico», plantea Kika Patt, una enfermera de Manchester retirada en Arboleas. ... Existen ... organizaciones de voluntarios que apoyan a los más necesitados, personas con alguna discapacidad y que no tienen recursos para ser atendidos. ... A medida que la libra se desploma, los grupos más vulnerables tienen mayor imposibilidad para hacer frente a intérpretes, taxis, cuidado personal y otros servicios que puedan necesitar. ... en Benahavís, uno de los municipios del triángulo de oro de la Costa del Sol, las cosas se ven de forma muy distinta.

"Britons in Europe are disenfranchised while their EU counterparts’ rights hang in the balance", Euractiv, 14 | 03 | 2020 - Reportaje (Roger Casale)
The French municipal elections which will take place on 16 March are ... the first set of municipal elections in which British citizens in France will be unable to vote. This is despite the fact that the elections take place during the “transition period” when the UK/EU relationship was supposed to remain unchanged. ... there were over 900 British councillors in France. ... EU citizens in the UK still have the right to vote and to stand as candidates.

"French polls – a reminder of post-Brexit voting limbo", Euractiv, 14 | 03 | 2020 - Noticia
France’s municipal elections on Sunday (16 March) will be a major test for President Emmanuel Macron in the wake of popular protests by the 'gilets jaunes' and over controversial pension reforms. They will also be the first such polls in which British citizens in France will not be able to vote.

"British expats beat Rothschild private bank over 'dodgy' scheme", International Investment, 13 | 03 | 2020 - Noticia
Expat pensioners have won a legal battle against Rothschild over its infamous ‘dodgy' equity release scheme, with the judge ruling that the couple was tricked into taking out a mortgage to finance supposedly low risk investments.

"Costly Spanish healthcare system pushing British expats to Portugal", International Investment, 13 | 03 | 2020 - Noticia
The Portuguese private health system is considered to be at least 20% less expensive than its Spanish equivalent and property rental is also cheaper. Portugal's healthcare system ranks ninth best in the EU and 12th best in the world, with its nationals rated as amongst the healthiest on the planet as well as beating out most other European nationalities as regards longevity.

"Thousands of British Ex-Pats worried about Health Care Costs and Prescription Charges in Spain make plans for the move to Portugal", Euro Weekly News, 08 | 03 | 2020 - Reportaje (Tony Winterburn)
Having recently spoken to a group of ex-pats regarding health care and pension issues i discovered 70 percent of them were already in process of the move to Portugal. Some of the members were also aware that many of their friends were doing the same.

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del Observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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