lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

ERA - Upcoming Conferences


-Conference 'Cross-Border Debt Recovery. Provisional measures, cross-border attachment of bank accounts, and transparency of the debtor’s assets' (Trier, 15-16 May 2008).

Freezing or “attaching” a debtor's bank account(s) is a very effective way for creditors to recover the amount owed to them. Most Member States have legislation which provides for the attachment of bank accounts. Debtors can, however, transfer funds very quickly to other accounts that the creditor may not know about. The creditor is often not able to block such movements of funds as quickly and therefore loses a powerful weapon against recalcitrant debtors.
The European Commission feels that problems of cross-border debt recovery are an obstacle to the free movement of payment orders within the European Union and to the proper functioning of the internal market. Late payment and non-payment are a risk for businesses and consumers alike. The Commission therefore proposes the creation of a European system for the attachment of bank accounts.
The consultation process initiated by the Green Paper on the attachment of bank accounts has inspired a vivid debate among practitioners, governments and academics. Furthermore, a second Green Paper on measures enhancing the transparency of the debtor’s assets was recently published.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
Sobre el tema véanse los siguientes documentos:
-COM(2006) 618 final (Bruselas, 24-10-2006): Libro Verde sobre una mayor eficacia en la ejecución de las resoluciones judiciales en la Unión Europea: embargo de activos bancarios.
-COM(2008) 128 final (Bruselas, 6-3-2008): Libro Verde sobre transparencia de los activos patrimoniales de los deudores.
-Conference 'EU trade and customs law: Recent developments'(Brussels, 15-16 May 2008).
How is the EU adapting its external trade and customs law to ever faster global economic integration, which is creating new opportunities, additional competition and unexperienced obstacles for the operators involved? The effectiveness of current measures and the need for new instruments will be analysed in this seminar.
In 2006 the European Commission adopted a strategy paper on ”Global Europe: Competing in the World“, designed to increase the contribution of European trade policy to the Lisbon Programme (COM(2006)567). A systematic monitoring of import and consumption prices will be launched following a green paper on the application of EU trade defence instruments. The EU is also implementing measures to combat international crime, counterfeiting and piracy through the Customs Action Plan: Regulation (EC) 1889/2005 on controls of cash entering or leaving the Community came into force in 2007; the “ConTraffic“ system based on route-risk analysis was developed in 2006; and a Regulation is proposed on enhancing supply chain security.
From 1 January 2008 the concept of “Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)”, will facilitate trade for reliable traders and on 1 July 2009 an electronic system will be introduced for the exchange of advanced information between traders and customs authorities about all goods coming into or leaving the EU. Confirmation by the European Parliament of the political agreement reached by the Council of Ministers on 25 June 2007 on the proposal for a modernised Community Customs Code (MCCC), which will simplify the legislation and benefit all the actors involved, is expected in the coming months.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).

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