-Summer Course European Company Law (Trier, 17-19 Jun 2009). This course will provide participants with an introduction to the principles and framework of European company law, including:
-Summer Course European Company Law (Trier, 17-19 Jun 2009). This course will provide participants with an introduction to the principles and framework of European company law, including:
- the formation of different types of companies
- corporate governance and management options
- capital requirements
- shareholders’ rights
- insolvency
- corporate restructuring and mobility
- the characteristics of transnational financial vehicles.
The course will analyse current challenges, the latest legislative proposals and ECJ case law.
Participants will have the opportunity to prepare in advance through an e-learning course via the ERA website, and to deepen their knowledge through case-studies and workshops during the summer course.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Labour and Social Law (Trier, 22-25 Jun 2009). The summer course will offer participants an introduction to the following key issues:
Participants will have the opportunity to prepare in advance through an e-learning course via the ERA website, and to deepen their knowledge through case-studies and workshops during the summer course.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Labour and Social Law (Trier, 22-25 Jun 2009). The summer course will offer participants an introduction to the following key issues:
- Free movement of workers
- Equal treatment between men and women and non-discrimination
- Working time
- Part-time and fixed-term work
- Posting of workers
- Employees’ rights in cases of mergers, transfer of undertakings or insolvency
- Workers’ participation in undertakings / European Works Councils
- Coordination of social security systems in the EU
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Taxation Law (Trier, 22-26 Jun 2009). This summer course will provide participants with an introduction to the following essential topics, among others:
-Summer Course: European Taxation Law (Trier, 22-26 Jun 2009). This summer course will provide participants with an introduction to the following essential topics, among others:
- the sources of taxation;
- fundamental freedoms;
- taxation of physical persons (residence, succession etc.);
- taxation of legal persons (permanent establishment, companies, transfer of seat etc.);
- indirect taxation, in particular VAT;
- double taxation conventions and how to apply them.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Third Party Motor Liability Insurance. Legal developments, market tendencies, claims management (Turin, 25-26 Jun 2009). The Institute for European Traffic Law has made a considerable contribution to professional training, the exchange of experiences and the development of legislation in all aspects of road traffic law.
This international conference in Turin is addressed at the Institute's members from Italy as well as from other countries in Europe, in particular insurance managers and heads of division, claims handling specialists, lawyers, technical and medical experts, associations and interest groups.
The following topics will be addressed in Turin:
-Third Party Motor Liability Insurance. Legal developments, market tendencies, claims management (Turin, 25-26 Jun 2009). The Institute for European Traffic Law has made a considerable contribution to professional training, the exchange of experiences and the development of legislation in all aspects of road traffic law.
This international conference in Turin is addressed at the Institute's members from Italy as well as from other countries in Europe, in particular insurance managers and heads of division, claims handling specialists, lawyers, technical and medical experts, associations and interest groups.
The following topics will be addressed in Turin:
- Indemnity and insurance law in Italy, obligatory direct settlement of claims.
- Claims management in the third party motor liability insurance in Italy, Germany, France, UK, central and eastern Europe.
- Settlement of 4th Directive Third Party claims, jurisdiction of the country of residence of the claimant after an accident in a foreign country, current position and practical experiences
- Green Card System - changes from the point of view of the competent institutions.
A combination of lectures and round table discussions will enable and encourage an interesting international exchange of opinions and dialogue.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Settlement of Cross-Border Traffic Accidents (Trier, 26 Jun 2009). This conference, organised in cooperation with the ‘Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Koblenz’ and the ‘Ordre des Avocats à la Cour d’Appel de Dijon’ is focused on the issues arising in the case of a traffic accident abroad.
Cross border traffic being a part of the everyday life in Europe leads inevitably to a constantly increasing number of cross-border traffic accidents. How can a victim of an accident taking place in another member state be protected and how a victim of a foreign driver in the own member state? Before which courts and according to which law can they seek compensation? To what extent are such accidents covered by insurance contracts and which are the possible alternatives to a civil procedure?
Experts on the subject will provide answers to the above questions by presenting their own experience and by analysing the current legal framework, including Regulations Brussels I and Rome II, as well as the EC Motor Insurance Directives and the relevant case law. In order to better highlight the practical aspects of the treated issues, a case study, encouraging participants cooperation, will be organised.
Más información: Academy of Europoean Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Private Law (Trier, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2009). Participants will gain an introduction to the following topics:
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Settlement of Cross-Border Traffic Accidents (Trier, 26 Jun 2009). This conference, organised in cooperation with the ‘Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Koblenz’ and the ‘Ordre des Avocats à la Cour d’Appel de Dijon’ is focused on the issues arising in the case of a traffic accident abroad.
Cross border traffic being a part of the everyday life in Europe leads inevitably to a constantly increasing number of cross-border traffic accidents. How can a victim of an accident taking place in another member state be protected and how a victim of a foreign driver in the own member state? Before which courts and according to which law can they seek compensation? To what extent are such accidents covered by insurance contracts and which are the possible alternatives to a civil procedure?
Experts on the subject will provide answers to the above questions by presenting their own experience and by analysing the current legal framework, including Regulations Brussels I and Rome II, as well as the EC Motor Insurance Directives and the relevant case law. In order to better highlight the practical aspects of the treated issues, a case study, encouraging participants cooperation, will be organised.
Más información: Academy of Europoean Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Private Law (Trier, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2009). Participants will gain an introduction to the following topics:
- European civil procedure: The summer course will present the status quo of civil procedural law on a European level, including the most recent developments. Special attention will be paid to EC legislation and the case law of the European Court of Justice.
- Private international law, especially the new Rome I & Rome II Regulations on the applicable law in contractual and non-contractual obligations.
- Consumer protection, concerning e.g. unfair commercial practices, e-commerce, consumer rights, product safety, product liability.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Competition Law (Trier, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2009). Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the basics of EC competition law, in particular:
-Summer Course: European Competition Law (Trier, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2009). Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the basics of EC competition law, in particular:
- the origins of European competition law and its development by means of secondary law and court jurisprudence;
- the economic foundations of European competition law;
- methods for defining the relevant market;
- the rules applying to (vertical) distribution agreements;
- the rules applying to horizontal agreements;
- the specific problems of contracts involving the transfer of technology;
- the abuse of a dominant market position;
- regulation 1/2003 on decentralisation;
- specific features relating to public-sector undertakings and undertakings with exclusive rights;
- the control of mergers at Community level;
- state aid.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course: European Criminal Justice (Trier, 6-10 Jul 2009). This course will provide participants with an introduction to EU criminal law and to the instruments for cooperation in criminal justice matters. It will consider the origins, the institutional system and the legal framework of criminal justice cooperation in the EU, including:
-Summer Course: European Criminal Justice (Trier, 6-10 Jul 2009). This course will provide participants with an introduction to EU criminal law and to the instruments for cooperation in criminal justice matters. It will consider the origins, the institutional system and the legal framework of criminal justice cooperation in the EU, including:
- European police and judicial cooperation under the Schengen Conventions
- EU criminal justice developments since the Maastricht Treaty
- Legal instruments dealing with police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Europol Convention, Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance)
- Mutual recognition in the EU: existing legislation and proposals (European Arrest Warrant)
- EU legislation referring to serious cross-border crime
- Organisation of police and criminal justice cooperation (European Judicial Network, Eurojust, Europol, OLAF)
- Defence rights in the EU
- The EU Reform Treaty: forthcoming implications for the ‘third pillar’?
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).
-Summer Course on European Intellectual Property Law (Trier, 6-10 Jul 2009). This new summer course will enable participants to acquire a basic knowledge in European intellectual property and industrial property law, its management and its protection.The summer course will focus on the following topics:
-Summer Course on European Intellectual Property Law (Trier, 6-10 Jul 2009). This new summer course will enable participants to acquire a basic knowledge in European intellectual property and industrial property law, its management and its protection.The summer course will focus on the following topics:
- Legal and institutional framework
- Trade marks and designs
- Geographical indications
- Patents
- Data protection
- Copyright and related rights
- Judicial system and applicable law and jurisdiction
- Enforcement
- Contractual arrangements
- Conflict resolution
- Internal market (competition law and free movement of goods) and intellectual/industrial property.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).