jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

ERA - Upcoming Conferences


-Conference 'Recent Developments in Private International Law and Business Law' (Trier, 5-6 Jun 2008).
Private international law and business law continue to be characterised by growing Europeanisation. The purpose of this seminar will be to present the latest developments in both legislation and jurisprudence in the following areas:
· Brussels I Regulation and anti-suit injunctions
· Intellectual property and conflict of laws
· New Regulation (EC) No. 1393/2007 on the service of documents
· New Directive on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters
· New Regulation (EC) on the law applicable to contractual obligations (“Rome I”)
· New Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non?contractual obligations (“Rome II”)
· Trends in European company law: from Daily Mail to Sevic and Cartesio
· Major decisions on cross-border insolvency
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).

-Conference 'e-Justice and e-Law' (Organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union) (Portorož, 1-3 Jun 2008).
The purpose of the present e-Justice and e-Law conference is to:
· Share experience in increasing the efficiency of national judicial systems and corresponding trends in the world,
· Explore the possibilities for integration of e-justice services and systems at the EU level,
· Present the most advanced ICT-supported legal services to citizens, the public sector and business, and share experience in managing legal information (e-law).
Da mihi facta, dabo tibi ius (Give me facts / data / information, and I will give you law) is the motto of the conference. It is clear that legal information systems cannot exist without information.
The conference on e-Justice and e-Law is designed with this in mind. When information is gathered, integrated and accessible through legal information systems and related legal services, the whole system can function effectively. When using technology, however, it is important not only to assemble and integrate information, but also to transform that information into processes and knowledge, which are of greatest value to judges and other decision-making and administrative personnel. In this way, the conference aims to promote understanding of the potential of e-Justice and e-Law in Europe.
Más información: Academy of European Law (ERA).

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