miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

Bibliografía (Publicaciones periódicas) - RabelsZ (2009) 3

Última entrega de la Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ): vol. 73 (2009), núm. 3:

Kurt Lipstein (1909–2006)
Heinz-Peter Mansel, Kurt Lipstein (1909-2006), pp. 441-454
Jürgen Basedow, The Communitarisation of Private International Law - Introduction, pp. 455-460
-Jan von Hein, Of Older Siblings and Distant Cousins: The Contribution of the Rome II Regulation to the Communitarisation of Private International Law, pp. 461-508
-Paul Beaumont, International Family Law in Europe - the Maintenance Project, the Hague Conference and the EC: A Triumph of Reverse Subsidiarity, pp. 509-546
-Anatol Dutta, Succession and Wills in the Conflict of Laws on the Eve of Europeanisation, pp. 547-606
-Eva-Maria Kieninger, The Law Applicable to Corporations in the EC, pp. 607-628
-Stefania Bariatti, Recent Case-Law Concerning Jurisdiction and the Recognition of Judgments under the European Insolvency Regulation, pp. 629-659
Cathrin Bauer, Matteo Fornasier, The Communitarisation of Private International Law, pp. 660-664
Literatur, pp. 665-666

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