domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

ERA - Upcoming Conferences (January 2012)


-Transfer Pricing: Practical Issues. Practical insight into EU and international developments - Impact on cross-border business operations (Brussels, 27 January 2012): This seminar aims to provide tax law practitioners with an insight into the latest developments in transfer pricing at European and international level from a practical perspective.
Key topics:
  • Practical analysis of transfer pricing guidance based on real cases
  • Legal, tax and operational challenges of transfer pricing
  • Comparability test and guidance on the profit methods
  • Low-value-adding intra-group services and non-EU transfer pricing triangular cases
  • Consequences of risk allocation for business restructuring
  • Profits of permanent establishments
  • Risk of double taxation
  • Current challenges regarding documentation requirements
More information: Academy of European Law (ERA)
Conference programme [here]

-EU Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. Latest developments (Brussels, 30 January 2012): This conference will examine the current state of accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. It will also discuss the legal implications of the accession for the protection of the fundamental rights of EU citizens. The relationship between both legal orders and the European Courts in Luxembourg and Strasbourg will also be discussed.
Key topics:
  • Draft Accession Agreement of the EU to the ECHR and its legal implications
  • Relationship between EU law and the ECHR
  • Co-respondent mechanism
  • Relations between the Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights
  • Practical aspects of the accession
  • Future steps
More information: Academy of European Law (ERA)
Conference programme [here]

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