jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

"International Litigation in Europe: the Brussels I Recast as a panacea?" (Verona - November 28 and 29, 2014)

"International Litigation in Europe: the Brussels I Recast as a panacea?"
International Conference
Verona - November 28 and 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

13.30 Registration
14.00 Welcome and opening remarks (Prof. Gottardi, University of Verona - Prof. Ferrari, University of Verona/NYU)
14.10 Greetings (Avv. Cristiano, AIJA National Representative, Italy)

I Session: The Recast as a political compromise
14.20 Goals of the Recast (Prof. Pocar, University of Milan)
14.45 The (still limited) territorial scope of application of the new Regime (Prof. Carbone, University of Genoa)
15.10 The arbitration exception (Prof. Radicati di Brozolo, University of Milan)
15.35 Discussion

II Session: The special and mandatory rules on jurisdiction
15.50 A new head of jurisdiction in relation to the recovery of cultural objects (Prof. Gebauer, University of Tübingen)
16.15 Enhancing protection for the weaker parties: the jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment (Prof. Cafari Panico, University of Milan)
16.40 The consumer’s jurisdictional privilege in the ECJ case law (Prof. Rühl, University of Jena)
17.05 Discussion
17.20 Coffee Break

III Session: Party autonomy and choice-of-court agreements
17.50 The role of party autonomy in the allocation of jurisdiction in contractual matters (Prof. Mankowski, University of Hamburg)
18.15 Towards a broadened effectiveness of choice-of-court agreements in the European judicial area? (Prof. Queirolo, University of Genoa)
18.40 The enforcement of choice-of-court agreements in Europe: is there any consistency in case law? (Prof. Villata, University of Milan)
19.05 Discussion
19.20 End of first conference day
20.30 Dinner

Saturday, November 29, 2014

IV Session: Coordination of legal proceedings and provisional measures
09.00 The end of torpedoes? (Prof. Nielsen, University of Copenhagen)
09.25 Provisional measures in the new Regime (Prof. Garcimartín Alférez, Autónoma University of Madrid)
09.50 Discussion

V Session: Cross-border recognition and enforcement
10.05 The free circulation of judgments and the abolition of exequatur (Prof. Pfeiffer, University of Heidelberg)
10.30 The exceptions to recognition and enforcement (Prof. Fumagalli, University of Milan)
10.55 Discussion
11.10 Coffee break

VI Session: The Brussels I Recast in the International Arena
11.40 The Brussels I Recast and the Lugano Convention: which rules for the outer world? (Prof. Malatesta, Carlo Cattaneo University)
12.05 The Brussels I Recast and the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: convergences and divergences (Dr. Ragno, University of Verona)
12.30 The Brussels I Recast and the Unified Patent Court Agreement: towards an enhanced patent litigation system? (Prof. Marongiu Buonaiuti, University of Macerata)
12.55 Discussion

Closing remarks
13.10 Closing Remarks (Prof. Pocar, University of Milan)
13.30 End of the conference

As space is limited, registration is required. Please register via mail or by fax +390458028825.
Registration can also be made by sending an email to: chiara.zamboni_01 (at) univr.it

Program [here]

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