4th unalex conference
The EU Matrimonial and Partnership Property Regulations and the unalex Compendium
(provisional programme)
[University of Innsbruck (Applicant), IPR Verlag, Germany (Co-Beneficiary), Università degli Studi di Genova - DDG, Italy (Co-Beneficiary), Právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Czech Republic (Associate Partner), SIA "Rígas Juridiská augstskola", Latvia (Associate Partner), Universitat de València. Estudi General - Spain (Associate Partner), University of Zagreb - Faculty of Law, Croatia (Associate Partner)]
Selected issues regarding the new Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104
Valencia, 8 September 2017
Venue: University of Valencia, Facultad de Derecho, Sala de reuniones Adolfo Miaja de la Muela
9.30 Welcome
9.30 Greetings and introduction to the subject of the Conference, Prof. Carlos Esplugues, University of Valencia
9.35 Welcome by the unalex project, Prof. Andreas Schwartze, University of Innsbruck
9.45 The new Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104
Session chaired by Prof. Andreas Schwartze, University of Innsbruck
9.50 Overview over Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104, Mr. Franco SALERNO-CARDILLO, Notary in Palermo (Italy) - Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNEU)
10.15 Interaction of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 with the Brussels IIa Regulation, Ass. Prof. Dr. Pablo Quinzá, University of Valencia
10.40 Interaction of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 with the Succession Regulation, Prof. Marion Ho-Dac, University of Valenciennes
11.05 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 in the unalex Compendium.
Short information on the Compendium project and how to integrate both Regulations in it
11.50 Drawing the border line between Succession Regulation and Matrimonial Property Regulation, Prof. Rainer Hausmann, University of Konstanz
12.15 Choice of law in the Matrimonial Property Regulation no. 2016/1103, Dr. Susanne Goessl, University of Bonn
12.40 Discussion
13.15 Lunch
15.00 The future application of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104.
Session chaired by Prof. Carlos Esplugues, University of Valencia
15.00 Application of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 in "non-uniform" systems, Mr. Gabriel Alonso Landeta, Land Register in A Coruña (Spain) - European Land Registry Association (ELRA)
15.25 Application of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 by notaries, Ms. María Reyes Sánchez Moreno, Notary in Alicante (Spain) - Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNEU)
15.50 Application of Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 by land registers, Mr. Mihai Taus, Head of land registry Dept. Of Brasov County Office - European Land Registry Association (ELRA)
16.15 Discussion
17.00 End of work
20.00 Conference Dinner at the Restaurant Panorama Valencia
Free-to-attend Seminar - Registration required, please send an email to Ass. Prof. Pablo Quinza: –pablo.quinza(at)uv.es
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