martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Bibliografía - Novedad editorial

"Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)", edited by Project Group "Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law" and published by Sellier European Law Publishers, Munich.

This volume contains the "Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)" produced by the Project Group "Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law". The Project Group started its work in September 1999. It joined the European Network of Excellence on European Contract Law (CoPECL), which was set up by the European Commission in 2005, and drafted its Principles as a contribution to the Common Frame of Reference of European Contract Law. However, the PEICL go beyond a Frame of Reference and are intended to provide a Draft Optional Instrument of European Insurance Contract Law.

The PEICL depart from the generally accepted insight that the single insurance market of the EU has not been established so far in respect of small and medium-size risks and that divergent mandatory provisions of national insurance contract law are a major reason for this deficiency. Nevertheless they are not conceived as a blueprint for a harmonization of national insurance contract law, but suggest the adoption of an optional instrument which parties to an insurance contract can agree upon as a substitute to the national insurance contract law that would be applicable under the pertinent choice of law rules. This would allow interested insurers to make use of them for cross-border insurance contracts and, thus, for the establishment of European risk pools, whereas other companies may prefer to stick to a purely domestic insurance business on the basis of national insurance contract law.

The PEICL pursue a high-level protection of policyholders, an objective shared by many recent national laws. Their provisions are either fully mandatory or provide for binding minimum standards which can be derogated from only to the benefit of the policyholder. Dispositive or default rules contained in many national statutes were held to be redundant in view of the freedom of contract and the practice of comprehensive policies. Inevitable gaps should be filled by the provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law or perhaps, by a future Common Frame of Reference.

According to the Group’s plans, the PEICL will have four parts: the general part applicable to all types of insurance, general rules on indemnity insurance, life insurance, and liability insurance. The book that has now been published contains the first two parts, i.e. the general part and the general rules on indemnity insurance. Similar to the restatements of the American Law Institute, the quasi-legislative rules are accompanied by comments and by notes which refer to parallel provisions of national insurance contract law. While the working language of the Group has been English and the authentic language of the PEICL therefore is English, the book contains a large number of translations of the rules into other European languages (Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish).

Members of the Group:
-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Basedow, LL.M., Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg
-Prof. Dr. Juan Bataller Grau, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
-Prof. John Birds, University of Manchester
-Prof. Dr. Zdzisław Brodecki, Uniwersytet Gdansk [Member from April 2001-March 2007]
-Prof. Dr. Diana Cerini, Università degli Studi di Milan-Bicocca
-Prof. Dr. Malcolm A. Clarke, University of Cambridge, St. John’s College
-Prof. Dr. Herman Cousy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
-Prof. Dr. Bill W. Dufwa, Stockholms Universitet
-Dr. Dariusz Fuchs, Uniwersytet Kardynała S. Wyszynskiego, Warszawa
-Prof. Dr. Helmut Heiss, LL.M. (Chairman), Universität Zürich
-Prof. Dr. Jérôme Kullmann, Université Paris Dauphine
-Adv. Dr. Jorge Pegado Liz, Lisboa/Bruxelles
-Prof. Dr. Jaana Norio-Timonen, Helsingin Yliopisto
-Prof. Dr. Fritz Reichert-Facilides, LL.M. (†), Universität Innsbruck [Founder and Chairman from September 1999 – October 2003]
-A. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rudisch, LL.M., Universität Innsbruck
-Prof. Dr. Anton K. Schnyder, LL.M., Universität Zürich
-tit. Prof. Dr. Peter Takáts, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest
-Prof. Dr. Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos, Universidade de Lisboa
-Prof. Dr. Manfred Wandt, Universität Frankfurt a. M.
-Prof. Dr. J. Han Wansink, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universiteit van Leiden
Extract of Contents:
Part One - Provisions Common to All Contracts Included in the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)

Chapter One: Introductory Provisions
Section One: Application of the PEICL
Section Two: General Rules
Section Three: Enforcement
Chapter Two: Initial Stage and Duration of the Insurance Contract
Section One: Applicant’s Pre-Contractual Information Duty
Section Two: Insurer’s Pre-Contractual Duties
Section Three: Conclusion of the Contract
Section Four: Retroactive and Preliminary Cover
Section Five: Insurance Policy
Section Six: Duration of the Insurance Contract
Section Seven: Post-Contractual Information Duties of the Insurer
Chapter Three: Insurance Intermediaries
Chapter Four: The Risk Insured
Section One: Precautionary Measures
Section Two: Aggravation of Risk
Section Three: Reduction of Risk
Chapter Five: Insurance Premium
Chapter Six: Insured Event
Chapter Seven: Prescription

Part Two: Provisions Common to Indemnity Insurance

Chapter Eight: Sum insured and Insured Value
Chapter Nine: Entitlement to Indemnity
Chapter Ten: Rights of Subrogation
Chapter Eleven: Insured Persons Other than the Policyholder
Chapter Twelve: Insured Risk

Part Three: Provisions Common to Insurance of Fixed Sums

Chapter Thirteen: Admissibility
Table of Contents, Members of the Group and the Drafting Committee [here]

Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)
Edited by Project Group "Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law"
Sellier European Law Publishers, Munich, October 2009
XVIII, 668 pages - hardback, Price: 195.00 euros
ISBN 978-3-86653-069-0
eBook (pdf download): ISBN 978-3-86653-853-5, Price: 195.00 euros

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