viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

Bibliografía (Artículo doctrinal)

Arbitraje y Reglamento 44/2001. Consecuencias de la sentencia West Tankers
Miguel Gómez Jene, Profesor Titular de Derecho Internacional Privado (UNED)
Spain Arbitration Review, núm. 6, 2009, págs. 5-18.
This article analyses the impact of the EC West Tankers Judgment for the relationship between arbitration and the European Judicial Area. After the West Tankers Judgment a preliminary issue concerning the applicability of an arbitration agreement, including in particular its validity, also comes within the scope of the 44/2001 Judgment Regulation (JR). However, this interpretation raises new questions, such as the possibility - if there is any - to refuse the recognition and enforcement of a Sentence given in a breach of an arbitration agreement. As far as article 35.2 JR states that (i) the court where the recognition is sought shall be bound by the findings of fact on which the court of the Member State of origin based its jurisdiction and, (ii) the test of public policy may not be applied to the rules relating to jurisdiction, it seems difficult to justify the denial of the recognition of the sentence. Nevertheless, while it is not for the EC to define the content of the public policy of a Contracting State, a breach of general arbitration principles could justify such an application.
Finally, a first analyse of this Judgment indicates that a limited inclusion of judicial proceedings relating to arbitration in the scope of the JR might be desirable.

SUMARIO: I. HECHOS. II. CONSECUENCIAS QUE SE DERIVAN DE LA SENTENCIA WEST TANKERS. A/. El juicio incidental sobre la validez del convenio arbitral queda incluido en el ámbito de aplicación material del Reglamento 44/2001. B/. El tribunal ante el que se plantea la demanda sobre el fondo tiene competencia exclusiva para pronunciarse a título incidental sobre la validez y aplicabilidad del convenio arbitral. C/. Las antisuits injunctions son incompatibles con el espacio judicial europeo. III. CONCLUSIONES A FUTURO: breves notas sobre la inclusión del arbitraje en el ámbito de aplicación material del Reglamento 44/2001.

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