sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (21 mayo 2021)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 415, de 21 de mayo de 2021.


"British expats in Spain warned over ‘fraudulent’ residency applications amid police probe", The Olive Press, 20 | 05 | 2021 - Noticia
A group of British expats have been questioned by police after their padron certificates proving they lived in Spain appear to have been doctored. ... a number of elderly expats ... were carted to Alicante police station and grilled about falsifying documents submitted with their TIE card applications. ... the same gestor is being investigated for changing the date on at least 22 more British applicants.

"Los extranjeros compraron un 10,8% menos de viviendas en España en la segunda mitad de 2020, según notarios", Europa Press, 19 | 05 | 2021 - Noticia
...según datos del Consejo General del Notariado... La caída en las compraventas de viviendas por extranjeros en el segundo semestre es inferior al descenso interanual del primer semestre ... pero sigue reflejando los efectos de la pandemia del Covid-19. ... el grupo de extranjeros que más viviendas compró volvió a ser el de los británicos, con el 13% del total de operaciones ... seguidos de marroquíes ... franceses ... y alemanes... Sólo tres nacionalidades mostraron incrementos en la compraventa de vivienda con respecto al segundo semestre de 2019: los portugueses ... los marroquíes ... y los belgas... los mayores retrocesos procedieron de Noruega ... China ... y Rusia...

«"UK expat hopes of moving to Spain could be over post-Brexit - nothing but a 'pipe dream'», Express, 18 | 05 | 2021 - Noticia
Pensioners are said to be worried about new post-Brexit rules resulting in them losing their state pension rights and access to healthcare if they move abroad this year. This is despite the Government announcing in January that anyone moving to the EU or Switzerland after the UK officially cut ties with the bloc would still get their British state pension as normal. But recently there have been changes to the way weekly pension payments are calculated for those planning to take the plunge and move abroad later this year. ... all expats who relocate to EU nations, who have previously lived in Australia, Canada or New Zealand, will be affected as they could receive lower pensions.

"How long can Brits stay in the UK without losing their EU residency?", The Local, 18 | 05 | 2021 - Noticia
The coronavirus pandemic has seen many British nationals resident in the EU return to the UK, but those 'waiting out' Covid-19 back in Britain could lose their rights to live in their host country.

Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum.

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