jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Bibliografía (Artículo doctrinal) - Towards the Reform of the European Insolvency Regulation

Towards the Reform of the European Insolvency Regulation: Codification rather than Modification
Laura Carballo Piñeiro, Associate Professor of Private International Law, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow
Nederland Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), June 2014, pp. 207-215
The European Insolvency Regulation has largely succeeded in providing a framework for cross-border insolvency. But after serving for more than a decade, the time is ripe to give it ‘a new facelift’, as suggested by Mrs. Viviane Reding. This paper provides a critical overview of the Proposal amending the Regulation issued by the European Commission on 12 December 2012. While its inputs are backed up by a broad consensus as it mostly reflects developments in national insolvency laws and codifies the Court of Justice of the European Union’s case law, the Proposal is a missed opportunity to modify some rules which do not properly contribute in their current wording to achieving the insolvency proceedings’ goals. This is particularly remarkable in view of the extension of the Regulation’s scope of application to include proceedings with reorganization, adjustment of debt or rescue purposes and hence, aiming to enhance their cross-border effects and ultimate goals.

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