viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

La OCDE aprueba una recomendación sobre la gobernanza de la identidad digital

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Recommendation of the Council on the Governance of Digital Identity.

The Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity was adopted by the OECD Council meeting at Ministerial level on 8 June 2023 on the proposal of the Public Governance Committee (PGC). The Recommendation aims to guide Adherents in their efforts to successfully establish domestic approaches to digital identity that are user-centred, trusted and well-governed and in so doing create the conditions for achieving the ambition of full international interoperability to realise the value of digital identity across geography, technology and sectors.


Texto de la Recomendación: OECD/LEGAL/0491 [aquí]

Fuente: Diario La Ley [aquí]

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