lunes, 29 de marzo de 2021

The European Union - United Kingdom Trade and Cooperation Agreement - 16 April 2021 Webinar


16 April 2021 Webinar


Following the success of its 2019 international seminar on the WTO Reform, the UCM Research Group “Derecho y economía en el comercio internacional” has the pleasure to announce the celebration of an international seminar on “The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement” that will take place on-line next 16 April 2021 from 16.00 h (GTM+1).
After long and complex negotiations, 24 December 2020 the European Union (EU) – United Kingdom (UK) Trade and Cooperation Agreement was finally signed. From January 2021, the trade relationship between the EU Member States and the United Kingdom has deeply changed and, embedded under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework, it is now governed by a bilateral free trade agreement with its own dispute settlement mechanism.
In this scenario, the seminar aims to offer a necessary approach to the new beginning in the trade relations of these two well-known neighbours, as well as to the dispute settlement they have created for themselves. Moreover, awareness on the new legal implications for Spanish operators and Spanish economy in general is very much needed provided the relevance of the EU country export figures. All this, without losing sight of both, EU and UK implications on the on-going debates about the future of the WTO Organisation.


16.00 h. Opening words:
- Carmen Otero García-Castrillón. Catedrática de Derecho internacional privado de la UCM.
- Julio A. García López. Profesor Titular de Derecho Internacional Privado de la UCM.  
16.15 h. A new beginning: the EU – UK Trade relations
- Ignacio Iruarrizaga. Jefe de Unidad responsable de Europa y la Asociación Oriental en la Dirección General de Comercio. Comisión Europea.
16.40 h. The dispute settlement mechanism of the EU - UK TCA
- Elisa Baroncini. Professore ordinario di Diritto internazionale. Alma Mater Studiorum. Università di Bologna.
17.00 h. The EU - UK TCA: A vision from Spain
- Juan Francisco Martínez García. Director General de Política Comercial. Secretaría de Estado de Comercio, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.
17:20: Pause
17.30 h. The Trade Relations of the EU and the UK to the WTO and Third Countries: From 2021 on
- Gary N. Horlick. Attorney-at-Law. Georgetown University Law Center.
Moderator: Julio García López. Profesor titular de Derecho internacional privado de la UCM.

18.20 h. Closing words

To register, please click here.

On the 15th April, registered persons will receive an e-mail with a link to the session.

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