sábado, 27 de marzo de 2021

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones - European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin (26 marzo 2021)

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones / European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin, nº 410, de 26 de marzo de 2021.


"Expats in Spain frustrated at ‘lack of clarity’ over access to Covid-19 vaccines", The Olive Press, 25 | 03 | 2021 - Reportaje (Fiona Govan)
FOREIGNERS living in Spain have expressed worry and frustration at not knowing when and if they will be called up for a Covid-19 vaccination jab. The biggest concern is from those who are not registered in Spain’s public health system, either because they have private health insurance or because they are still going through the residency process.

«"‘I’m sad to be leaving Spain" – Despite the efforts many Britons have not registered», The Local, 25 | 03 | 2021 - Reportaje (Graham Keeley)
...there are 366,000 UK citizens registered with the Spanish government, some 75,000 more than before the Brexit referendum in 2016. Some 50 per cent of these are retired or people who have chosen to retire early to enjoy life under the Spanish sun. This presented a problem in itself as some of these did not have a good command of Spanish or struggled with being isolated or having disabilities. ... A recent internal Foreign Office poll found that Britons living here were among the best informed about what they needed to do to stay on in Spain, compared to other UK residents scattered across Europe. ... the same survey also found that two other issues which concerned Britons was bureaucracy, which many who live in Spain will know well, as well as the language barrier. ... Without a visa, those who stay on living under the radar may face problems if they want to access public services in Spain. ... It does not seem that stories of Brits being deported from Spain are likely to happen.

"La compra de casas de lujo por extranjeros marca un nuevo pico en plena pandemia", El País, 25 | 03 | 2021 - Noticia
Un 7% de los adquirientes de viviendas de más de 500.000 euros en 2020 eran foráneos, el porcentaje más alto desde que los registradores empezaron a recoger este dato en 2013.

«¿El fin del retiro dorado a Portugal? El país pone coto a las 'golden visas'», Libre Mercado, 25 | 03 | 2021 - Reportaje (Patricia Malagón)
Desde hace casi una década, Portugal cuenta con un marco fiscal muy atractivo para la inversión extranjera, especialmente a través de dos medidas: una muy baja fiscalidad para los jubilados extranjeros y la concesión de permisos de residencia a cambio de inversión inmobiliaria. Algo que el gobierno de Antonio Costa ha comenzado a cambiar tras las críticas de la Unión Europea como de otras organizaciones internacionales. ... unos 6.300 pensionistas españoles viven el país vecino.

"El Gobierno y la Junta de Andalucía cierran un acuerdo sobre el decreto de viviendas irregulares", La Razón, 22 | 03 | 2021 - Noticia
Andalucía se compromete a modificar un apartado que permitía legalizar más de 300.000 edificaciones en suelo no urbanizable para eludir el recurso ante el Tribunal Constitucional.

"El fin del oasis portugués para ricos y jubilados extranjeros", El Periódico, 22 | 03 | 2021 - Noticia
El Gobierno luso da marcha atrás en las polémicas medidas destinadas a atraer capital extranjero tras la crisis de 2008. La reciente limitación a los ‘visados dorados’ se suma al impuesto del 10% sobre las pensiones de los Residentes No Habituales.

"Thousands of British expats in Spain remain “exposed and unprotected” since Brexit", The Olive Press, 19 | 03 | 2021 - Noticia
While most registered as residents under repeated advice by both British and Spanish authorities, and hundreds more are still in the process of getting their documentation, there are still many who failed to start the process before the end of year deadline. ... Moira Carmenate who runs The Expat Centre told The Olive Press. ... “As a consequence a lot of elderly folk living here who don’t have access to social media or trustworthy news sources, have been unaware of the recent and ongoing changes.” “This leaves Brits vulnerable and at the mercy of hearsay”... the Foreigners Office in Alicante will now only accept a copy of the 2020 padron as proof that an applicant was living in Spain before December 31. Barbara Cobos is an established translator and residency expert based at The Expat Centre who ... claims... “Currently, there is still no formal agreement in place between UK and Spanish governments to clarify what the Third Country ruling is regarding residencia eligibility”...

"Life of British expats on Spain’s Costa Blanca comes under focus in meetings with local mayors", The Olive Press, 12 | 03 | 2021 - Noticia
POST-BREXIT life for UK residents on the Costa Blanca is being discussed in a series of meetings between mayors and the Alicante Provincial Council. ... the Council’s International Residents deputy... said: “I want to take the pulse of international residents especially those from the UK over their concerns and legal situation in Spain.” “We want to reiterate our collaboration to promote the integration of this important group which is fundamental for the development of Alicante Province.” “That means supporting registration campaigns as well as Spanish or Valencian language courses”.


Nota: Este Boletín de Prensa realiza un seguimiento periodístico de los aspectos más destacados del fenómeno de la movilidad transfronteriza de personas mayores estudiado en el Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones. Mi agradecimiento a la Coordinadora del observatorio, la Prof. Mayte Echezarreta Ferrer (Universidad de Málaga), así como a sus miembros, investigadores y colaboradores, por su labor y por permitir su difusión en Conflictus Legum

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